At the start of each year, we democratically elect our Pupil Parliament across school. These children have an important job being the voice of the children in many different areas.
School Council
School Council meet regularly with Mr McDonagh and support the school in many different ways. They offer ideas and suggestions in how to improve and develop our school, help support different local charities that they choose, they even support the school when we are looking for new staff to join our school family. They share information from school council meetings with their peers in their classrooms and help to make our school even better!
Eco Council
Eco Council are responsible for ensuring that we do all we can to make sure that we are looking after our planet locally and globally! They meet regularly with Mrs Adams to work through their Action Plan that is developed in their first meetings at the start of the year. In 2022 we were awarded Green Flag status as a school and will look to achieve the next level of award with our current council. There is nothing more important than making sure we have a positive impact on the world that we live in.