Year Four

Welcome to Year 4. Miss Dancer is our class teacher, helped along the way by TAs, Mrs Cotton and Mrs Taylor.
Our topics include: World War I and a local history study, Vicious Vikings and Anglo Saxons and All Around the World.
During this year we will hopefully get back to doing lots of exciting activities including: Bikeability, Tag Rugby, football and hockey tournaments, our residential visit to Malvern, swimming lessons and the Year 4 play.  We will also be taking part in lots of transition activities providing the children with the chance to meet and work with other year 4s across the town.
As well as being the role models for the school,  Year 4 will be expected to help the staff by carrying out daily small duties.  We expect everyone to take part and set an amazing example to the rest of the children.  We will also be taking the lead in the services we attend at church.
We will have lots of fun throughout the year but we also expect the children to work hard in return.
In Year 4, we teach our 6 Core Christian values through SMSC, RE and in all other subjects;  Friendship, Respect, Endurance, Forgiveness, Kindness and Compassion and Trust.  These values are of great importance to us at Hanbury and help our children to understand how to behave, follow rules and build strong friendships.
Year 4 children are chosen to help the 'Open the Book' team to deliver the whole school assembly half termly.