New Drop Off and Pick Up Times


17th September 2021

Mr McDonagh is appealing to everyone to play their part in keeping road users and pedestrians safe after amending pick up and drop off times for all classes and issuing a plea to park appropriately.
From Monday 20th September there are no more windows for drop off and collection.
Year 3 and 4 along with siblings in other classes should arrive no later than 8.45am whilst children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 should arrive at 8.55am.
Collection time for our younger pupils remains 3pm, whilst Year 3, 4 and their siblings should be picked up at 3.10pm.
Leave the marked disabled bay at the top of the car park free. This is for accessibility for a child in school.
Use all spaces within the car park including the bottom of the car park
Park in the next available space to avoid leaving large gaps
Use the church car park if fit and able to. This will significantly reduce traffic directly around the school. There is access through the field when dry.
Leave the car park as soon as possible after collecting and dropping children.
Adhere to all marked areas on the roads including the yellow hatching.
Follow the one way system to exit the car park
Park road side of the triangle
Park on the brow of the hill. This is of great risk to everyone
Block the entrance and exit to the car park
Block other cars in spaces when they are already parked
Park on the yellow zig zag directly outside school
Park in the staff car park
Don't forget, we offer quality wraparound care before and after school... find out more by contacting the school office.