Year One

Welcome to Year One... an exciting year to be in as we start lots of new topics and we build on what we have learned in Reception.
Mrs Ball and Miss Fey are our Year 1 Class Teachers.  They are helped by the lovely Teaching Assistants, Mrs Cotton and Mrs Flanagan!
We try to always remember the school's Core Christian Values (friendship, respect, forgiveness, kindness and compassion, trust and endurance) and show these in all that we do. We have close links to the church and we enjoy visiting it for services and celebrations. Religious Education is taught once a week but the messages and themes are incorporated throughout the timetable. 
Reading is still incredibly important in Year One, the more we read the more effective our writing will be. Each child will take part in two whole class guided reading sessions in a normal week.  We develop our understanding of phonics and spelling through Letters and Sounds and by the end of the year we are whizzing away!  Alongside this, we work hard to develop our writing skills and we try to imagine ourselves as authors. We cover a wide range of writing styles and we try to write for different reasons. 
We work just as hard in Numeracy and we follow a mastery system that enables us to gain an in depth knowledge of different mathematical ideas. We learn to apply our skills and problem solve.
Year One is a busy year but you will be amazed at how much the children achieve by July.