The Governing Body
Welcome to the Governors of Hanbury C.E. First School web page.
Here you will find information about the make-up and workings of the Governing Body.
Who are the Governors?
The Governing Body consists of a team of experienced and dedicated Governors with a wide range of skills and experience. They give of their time for free and are all committed to doing their best for the school and the children, staff and parents.
Hanbury C. of E. Governing Body consists of 12 governors:
* the Headteacher, Mr McDonagh
* one staff governor elected by the staff, Mrs Parmley
* two parent governors elected by the parents, Gemma Greenberg and Chris Spencer
* one governor appointed by the Local Authority, Jenny Bottrill
* two foundation governors appointed by the Diocese of Worcester, Kaviraj Pawar, Richard Upwood
* five governors co-opted by the elected and appointed governors,
Mark Bishop, Milton Bowers, Helen Karakashian, Penny Riddle and Donna Halford
The Governors are very well supported by the Clerk, Tracy McRoy.
What does the Governing Body do?
The Governing Body works with the Headteacher to develop the strategic direction of the school to ensure that the children at Hanbury get the best possible education and can develop well in a safe, caring and stimulating environment.
The Governing Body acts as a critical friend, giving support to the Head in leading the school and ensuring statutory duties are carried out. The day to day responsibility of running the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and Leadership Team but the Governors have a role to ensure everything is done to the highest standard.
The Governing Body has a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view towards promoting high standards of achievement. It has many responsibilities including monitoring the school’s finances, appointing staff, reviewing performance management, setting targets, monitoring and reviewing policies and many more.
All Governors also belong to one of the smaller committees –School Improvement or Resources. These committees report back to the full governing body each term.
Each Governor has individual responsibilities such as monitoring a subject area or a year group. Reports are fed back to the Governing Body.
When do the Governors meet?
Governors visit the school regularly, both formally and informally.
The committees meet at least once per term.
The full Governing Body meets twice in the Autumn term and at least once in the Spring and Summer term.
How can I contact the Governing Body?
The Chair of Governors, Penny Riddle, can be contacted via the clerk, Mrs Tracy McRoy by email or through the school office, 01527 821298
Mrs Penny Riddle
Chair of Governors
Mr Kaviraj Pawar
Diocesan Representative
Mrs Jenny Bottrill
LA Governor
Mr Richard Upwood
Diocesan Representative
Ms Gemma Greenberg
Parent Governor
Mrs Donna Halford
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Helen Karakashian
Co-opted Governor
Mr Milton Bowers
Co-opted Governor
Mr Mark Bishop
Co-opted Governor
Mr Aaron McDonagh
Mrs Claire Parmley
Staff Governor
Mr Chris Spencer
Parent Governor